Thieme Open Access English

Thieme E-Journals Medicine Package

Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Term of the agreement: 01.01.2024–31.12.2026
In the last year of the agreement term, renewal negotiations are usually conducted by the office.
Type: Zeitschriften, Open Access
Discipline: Medicine

Thieme and the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) have concluded a Read and Publish agreement for medical titles for the period from January 2024 to December 2026, enabling corresponding authors affiliated with the institutions listed below to publish Open Access in Subscription Journals (Hybrid) at no additional charge. APC's for publications in Gold Open Access Journals are discounted.

>> Information at publisher’s website

Open Access Publishing

Please note that further funding guidelines for Open Access publishing may be applicable at your institution. For more details about publishing options and this agreement, please contact your library or Scholarly Communication Office at your institution. Participating institutions of this agreement are listed below.

What journals are covered by this agreement?
See the list of eligible journalshere (.XLSX) / (.PDF).

Who is eligible?
Authors affiliated with a participating member institution in the role of 'corresponding author' of the article. Thieme identifies eligible authors at least through one of the following parameters: institutional email address, ORCID, or Ringgold ID.

Which article types are eligible?
Original research articles and review articles are eligible.

What license options are available?
The default license option is CC BY; other CC licenses may be requested by authors. 

When do authors have to be affiliated with a participating member institution to be eligible for funding?
Authors must be affiliated with a participating member institution on the acceptance date.

What costs are covered by the agreement?
Article Processing Charges (APCs) in Hybrid OA journals are fully covered by the agreement.

For articles in Gold OA journals, authors receive a 25 % discount on the APCs.

Participating institutions

(in alphabetical order)

Medizinische Universität Graz | Open-Access-Info
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck | Open-Access-Info
Medizinische Universität Wien | Open-Access-Info
Universität Innsbruck | Open-Access-Info

Note: If possible, the links refer to the institutional Open Access information. If one is not available, the link leads to the library of the participating institution (or to the homepage of the institution if no other link is available).

A list of participating institutions can be downloaded here (XLSX).