For Licensors

Consortial Acquisition of Rights for Member Institutions

The Austrian Academic Library Consortium (Kooperation E-Medien Österreich) coordinates the consortial acquisition of rights for its members. The consortium serves as central interface for suppliers and buying institutions. The members are the contractual partners, since individual contracts are concluded between suppliers and acquiring institutions.

The consortium facilitates the buying process for both vendors and buyers by bundling the information flow, conducting coordinated negotiations and collaborative handling of tender procedures.

The head office team serves as single point of contact and is at your disposal for all consortium-related inquiries.

Information on tender procedures

In fulfillment of legal requirements in tender procedures for joint procurement processes, the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (Kooperation E-Medien Österreich) conducts contract agreements and renewals in accordance with statutory provisions of the Austrian Federal Public Procurement Act 2018 (Bundesvergabegesetz 2018 -BVerG2018).

Depending on the form of the tender procedure - direct tender, open procedure or negotiated procedure with only one bidder, etc - the supplier/bidder has to provide the relevant documents such as the bid/offer and the licence agreement, as well as the proofs required by law for the suitability examination.

Irrespective of the type of tender procedure, the bidder shall provide proof of authority to represent the company in the event that this is required, confirming that the person(s) listed is/are authorized to sign the license agreements. This is a document for formal verification.

To confirm the exclusive rights of disposal and use, the only bidder available on the market must submit a statement proving that only it has exclusive rights to the services to be procured pursuant to Section 36 (1) no. 3 lit b BVergG 2018. This confirmation is mandatory in order to allow the execution of a negotiated procedure without prior announcement pursuant to Section 36 BVergG 2018.

Regardless of the type of tender procedure to be applied, the tender documents must be submitted with the initial bid during the tender procedure as electronic copies to the address

The deadlines for the proofs to be provided are measured differently depending on the type of procedure in accordance with § 79 BVergG 2018.

The awarding authority/ies shall publish the announcement of an tender procedure 30 days after the award of the tender for contract values of EUR 50,000.00 or more in accordance with BVergG § 61 at the Union level or BVergG § 62 in Austria at

Tender documents

Download tender documents

The tender documents described above can be downloaded here (ZIP).